Polycab Cu XHHW-2 Type MC Steel Armoured PVC Jacket UL 1569 600V
Solid or stranded copper conductor with THHN or XHHW insulation, green insulated grounding conductor, galvanised steel interlocking armour over the assembly with PVC jacketed cable
To avail GTP, please send us a request on ambarin.sayyed@polycab.com
Heat resistant
Flame retardant
Oil resistant
Sunlight resistant
Moisture resistant
POLYCAB Copper XHHW-2 Type MC Steel armour PVC jacketed cable is recommended to use in commercial, residential, industrial as well as non-patient care area of health care facilities as power, control, signal and lighting cable. It is suitable to use in theatre, audience area of motion pictures, television studio and similar location (NEC 520.5) and also in assembly occupancies (NEC 518.4). It can be used as branch circuits to swimming pool, hot tub and spa application as per NEC 680.14 and 330.12(2)(a) and (b); also in Class 1 div 2, class 2 div 2 and class 3 div 1 hazardous locations. It is suitable to install in cable tray (NEC 392) and also in open air, raceway, channel, conduit and duct and also as arial cable on messenger
Product Type
Industrial Cable
Domestic Appliance and Lighting Cable

UL 1569