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FY24 has been a remarkable period for the Company, characterized by significant achievements and milestones that underscore our unwavering commitment to excellence. The Company's revenues soared past ₹180 billion and profitability surpassed ₹18 billion, marking all-time highs in our history. This remarkable achievement is a testament to our strategic foresight and robust operational capabilities enabling us to anticipate and meet the burgeoning demand for our products. Looking ahead, we are strategically focused on expanding our B2B and B2C businesses, improving operational excellence as well as fostering a culture of professional excellence. These initiatives will enable us to capitalize on the growing opportunities in both the Indian and global markets

Inder T. Jaisinghani
Chairman and Managing Director

Financial & Corporate Information

Financials (INR mn) Q3FY25 Q2FY25 Q1FY25 Q4FY24 Q3FY24 Q2FY24 Q1FY24 Q4FY23 Q3FY23 Q2FY23 Q1FY23 Q4FY22 Q3FY22 Q2FY22 Q1FY22
Net Sales 52,261 54,984 46,980 55,919 43,405 42,177 38,894 43,237 37,152 33,324 27,366 39,700 33,720 30,066 18,552
EBITDA 5,695 6,316 5,834 7,615 5,695 6,089 5,486 6,032 5,030 4,268 3,098 4,760 3,620 2,927 1,321
EBIT 6,414 5,595 5,163 6,958 5,076 5,486 4,914 5,497 4,506 3,745 2,588 4,257 3,108 2,418 828
PBT 6,166 5,903 5,334 7,253 5,464 5,572 5,305 5,731 4,810 3,585 2,947 4,300 3,247 2,642 970
PAT 4,643 4,452 4,016 5,535 4,165 4,298 4,032 4,287 3,611 2,706 2,227 3,253 2,484 1,978 737
Net Fixed Assets 35,544 33,607 31,431 29,160 26,656 24,730 23,694 23,177 21,951 21,151 20,716 20,506 18,032 20,320 20,082
Net Working Capital 53,134 50,782 53,042 51,361 47,756 46,000 43,021 42,883 39,691 36,690 34,084 33,998 31,090 26,435 27,678
Shareholders Networth 90,754 85,940 85,903 81,871 76,222 71,951 67,262 66,372 62,098 58,332 55,550 55,437 52,160 48,889 48,294
Debt 1,325 1,103 984 898 932 1,592 2,186 730 1,428 1,032 840 831 793 2,358 3,168
Financials (INR mn) FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17
Net Sales 180,394 141,078 122,038 87,922 88,300 79,856 67,831 55,365
EBITDA 24,918 18,429 12,626 11,117 11,276 9,504 7,418 5,177
EBIT 22,467 16,337 10,611 9,356 9,667 8,090 6,089 3,899
PBT 23,593 17,073 11,159 10,122 10,100 7,561 5,668 3,685
PAT 18,029 12,823 9,173 8,859 7,656 5,003 3,586 2,406
Net Fixed Assets 29,159 23,177 20,506 19,686 16,632 14,686 13,331 12,933
Net Working Capital 51,360 42,822 33,998 27,581 20,408 13,052 10,715 7,772
Shareholders Networth 81,871 66,311 55,437 47,539 38,364 28,470 23,476 20,042
Debt 897 890 831 2,487 1,571 2,724 8,003 8,557
Cash and Bank Balances 4,023 6,952 4,071 5,313 2,813 3,166 106 302
Current Investments 18,224 13,505 7,641 6,231 400 - - -
Performance Ratios FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17
EBITDA / Net Sales % 13.8% 13.1% 10.3% 12.6% 12.8% 11.9% 10.9% 9.4%
EBIT / Net Sales % 12.5% 11.6% 8.7% 10.6% 10.9% 10.1% 9.0% 7.0%
PAT / Net Sales % 10.0% 9.1% 7.5% 10.1% 8.7% 6.3% 5.3% 4.3%
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio 6.2 6.1 6.0 4.5 5.3 5.4 5.1 4.3
Asset Turnover 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.2
Debtors Turnover 10.6 11.1 8.9 6.1 6.4 6.1 5.5 4.3
Inventory Turnover 4.0 4.1 4.5 3.3 3.2 3.5 3.6 3.4
Return on Capital Employed 29.6% 25.9% 20.4% 20.7% 26.4% 27.9% 21.0% 15.2%
Return on Equity 24.2% 21.0% 17.7% 20.5% 22.8% 19.2% 16.5% 12.7%
International Revenue share 8.0% 9.8% 7.6% 8.5% 12.4% 3.1% 5.3% 6.3%
Leverage Ratios FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17
Interest Coverage Ratio 20.7 27.3 30.2 21.9 19.5 6.9 6.5 5.9
Debt Equity Ratio 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.34 0.43
Debt / Total Assets 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.18 0.19
Liquidity Ratios FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17
Current Ratio 2.4 2.6 3.0 2.4 2.0 1.5 1.6 1.3
Quick Ratio 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.1 0.7 0.8 0.7
Activity Ratios FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17
Receivable days 41 32 39 59 59 61 69 79
Inventory days 101 102 85 110 110 122 96 131
Payables days 94 85 63 102 105 148 82 136
Net Cash Cycle days 48 50 61 67 64 35 83 74
Investor Ratios FY24 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17
Earnings Per Share 118.9 84.9 60.9 59.2 51.2 35.4 25.4 17.0
Dividend Per Share (Interim + Final)* 30.0 20.0 14.0 10.0 7.0 3.0 1.0 1.0
Dividend Payout % (Excluding DDT) 25.4% 23.6% 23.0% 16.9% 13.7% 8.5% 3.9% 5.9%
Price to Earnings Ratio 42.6 33.9 38.8 23.3 14.5 NA NA NA
Enterprise Value / EBITDA 30.5 23.3 28.0 18.3 9.8 NA NA NA
Enterprise Value / Net Sales 4.2 3.0 2.9 2.3 1.2 NA NA NA

Note: Numbers on consolidated basis

Shareholder's Information

Following brokerage firms and institutions are having Polycab India Limited under their coverage. The list is subject to change as firms add or delete coverage of the Company and should not be considered as complete. Polycab India undertakes no obligation to update this list and does not distribute information or reports prepared by these brokerage houses and institutions. The list is meant to give an overview of the widespread interest shown by the financial community in the Company. Any estimates, forecasts, opinions, analysis or predictions regarding the Company's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent estimates, forecasts, opinions, analysis or predictions of the Company or its management, and the Company’s actual performance may vary significantly from such estimates. Polycab India does not claim any responsibility to the research reports published by the brokerage houses and institutions and is an independent assessment by those brokerage houses and institutions. Polycab India does not by its reference to the list below imply its endorsement of or concurrence with any such information, conclusions or recommendations as may be provided or made by such analysts.

Name of Institutions Name of the Analyst E-mail Address
UBS Akshay Gattani akshay-kumar.gattani@ubs.com
Anand Rathi Securities    
Asian Markets Securities Santosh Yellapu yellapu.santosh@amsec.in
Avendus Spark Ravi Swaminathan ravi@sparkcapital.in
Axis Capital    
Axis Securities Akshay Mokashe akshay.mokashe@axissecurities.in
Batlivala & Karani Securities India Kunal Sheth kunal.sheth@bksec.com
BNP Paribas Asia Nirransh Jain nirransh.jain@asia.bnpparibas.com
BOB Capital Markets Arshia Khosla Arshia.Khosla@bobcaps.in
Centrum Broking Chirag Muchhala Chirag.Muchhala@centrum.co.in
Citi Ashish Kanodia ashish.kanodia@citi.com
Dolat Capital Market Nikhat Koor nikhatk@dolatcapital.com
Elara Capital Harshit Kapadia harshit.kapadia@elaracapital.com
Equirus Securities Manoj Gori manoj.gori@equirus.com
Goldman Sachs Pulkit Patni pulkit.patni@gs.com
HSBC Shrinidhi Karlekar shrinidhi.karlekar@hsbc.co.in
ICICI Securities Aniruddha Joshi aniruddha.joshi@icicisecurities.com
IIFL Securities Renu Baid renu.baid@iiflcap.com
Incred Research Services Arafat Saiyed arafat.saiyed@incredcapital.com
Indsec Securities and Finance Onkar Kelji onkark@indsec.co.in
Jefferies Sonali Salgaonkar ssalgaonkar@jefferies.com
Macquarie Ashish Jain ashish.jain3@macquarie.com
Morgan Stanley Girish Achhipalia girish.Achhipalia@morganstanley.com
Motilal Oswal Financial Services Sanjeev Kumar Singh sanjeev.singh@motilaloswal.com
Keynote Capitals Devin Joshi Devin@keynoteindia.net
Kotak Securities Umang Mehta Umang.Mehta@kotak.com
Nirmal Bang Equities Natasha Jain natasha.jain@nirmalbang.com
Nuvama Achal Lohade achal.lohade@nuvama.com
PhillipCapital (India) Vinod Chari vchari@phillipcapital.in
Prabhudas Lilladher Praveen Sahay praveensahay@plindia.com
Sharekhan Ankit Soni ankit.soni@sharekhan.com
Systematix Shares and Stocks (India) Ashish Poddar ashishpoddar@systematixgroup.in
YES Securities (India) Akash Fadia aakash.fadia@ysil.in

Credit Ratings

Rating Agency Long Term Rating Short Term Rating
(Upgraded from 'CRISIL AA+/Positive')
CRISIL A1+ (Reaffirmed)
India Ratings and Research IND AA+/Positive IND A1+


Corporate Governance

Corporate Action

Year Face Value (Rs.) Dividend (%) Dividend (Rs.) Type Date of Declaration Date of Payment Due Date for Transfer to IEPF
FY23-24 10 300% 30 Final 16.07.2024 16.07.2024 21.08.2031
FY22-23 10 200% 20 Final 30.06.2023 30.06.2023 05.08.2030
FY21-22 10 140% 14 Final 29.06.2022 30.06.2022 04.08.2029
FY20-21 10 100% 10 Final 21.07.2021 26.07.2021 26.08.2028
FY19-20 10 70% 7 Interim 03.03.2020 31.03.2020 09.04.2027
FY18-19 10 30% 3 Final 26.06.2019 31.07.2019 01.08.2026

Investor Contacts

For investor related queries


For shares related query, dividend, transfer, demat, etc.


Grievance Redressal

Ms. Manita Carmen A Gonsalves

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Tel: +91 22 6735 1400

Email: cs@polycab.com

Smart ODR Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) vide its Circular No. SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/P/CIR/2023/131 dated July 31, 2023, has announced the introduction of a common Online Dispute Resolution Portal (“ODR Portal”), to streamline the existing dispute resolution mechanism in the Indian securities market by establishing a common Online Dispute Resolution Portal (ODR) which harnesses online conciliation and online arbitration for resolution of disputes.

Disputes between Investors/Clients and Polycab India Limited (Listed Entity), including Kfin Technologies Limited Registrar and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs) will be resolved in accordance with this circular.

  • Shareholders are required to first take up their grievance with the RTA/Listed Entity.
  • If the grievance is not redressed satisfactorily, the same can be raised through SEBI SCORES Portal.
  • After exhausting all aforesaid options, if the dispute remains unresolved, dispute resolution through the ODR Portal can be taken up.
  • Clients/Investors/Holders on account of nominations or transmission may also refer any unresolved issue of any service requests / service-related complaints for resolution on the ODR portal.

Follow below steps to resolve dispute through the SMART ODR Portal.

  • Register on SMART ODR Portal: Click on “Create Account” to register on the platform.
  • File a New Dispute: Click on “File New Dispute” to begin.
  • Select Intermediary: Select the “Intermediary” against whom you wish to file dispute.
  • Select Category: Select the relevant “Categories” for your dispute.
  • Enter Dispute Details: Fill details of the dispute and attach relevant files or documents.
  • Track Resolution Progress: Once your dispute is filed, you can track progress under the Dispute Timeline.

Note: The ODR Portal named “SMART ODR” can be accessed through the URL: https://smartodr.in/login.

Authorised KMPs for determining Materiality and for making disclosures to Stock Exchanges

Contact Details of Key Managerial Personnel of the Company authorised under Regulation 30(5) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

For determining materiality of events/information

Name Designation Contact Details
Mr. Gandharv Tongia Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer Tel: +91 22 6735 1400
Email: cs@polycab.com
Ms. Manita Carmen A Gonsalves Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Tel: +91 22 6735 1400
Email: cs@polycab.com

For making disclosures to stock exchanges

Name Designation Contact Details
Ms. Manita Carmen A Gonsalves Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Tel: +91 22 6735 1400
Email: cs@polycab.com

Details of Registrar & Share Transfer Agent of the company

Name KFIN Technologies Limited
Address Selenium Building, Tower-B, Plot No 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally, Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Telangana, India – 500 032.
Email ID einward.ris@kfintech.com
Toll Free / Phone Number 1800 309 4001
Whatsapp (91) 910 009 4099

KPRISM (Mobile Application)


KFINTECH Corporate Website


RTA Website


Investor Support Centre (DIY Link)


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